Registration 2022

Create an FFA Account

If you haven't played in Australia before you will need to create an account with the FFA, click here to create an account.

If you have an account but have forgotten your number and login details you can recover them here.

Online Payment

Log in to your My Football Account

  1. Click on the button that says 'Play Football' at the top of the page

  2. Click on the box that says ‘Re-Registering to play this season?

  3. STEP ONE - Type in: ‘Barnstoneworth United FC (ESFA)’ into the textbox and select the option that appears

  4. STEP TWO - Click ‘Get Started’ and then follow the instructions. The registration product to select is ‘Barnstoneworth United 2022’

  5. STEP THREE - Fill in all details, when asked Was Your Last Registration to an Affiliated Football (Soccer) Club in Australia?* either select ‘Yes’ or ‘I have never registered to play football before’ DO NOT SELECT ‘My last registration was overseas

  6. STEP FOUR - Continue with the form and select ‘Submit and Pay Later’ to pay the club directly. By doing this you save money on transfer fees.

  7. Club bank details will be sent to everyone, make the payment with your name as reference.